We get the question all the time. "I want to wrap my headers. How do I do it?" This step by step article will show you how simple it is to wrap your headers or exhaust. Follow these simple instructions and you'll be cooler before you know it!
Installing exhaust wrap / Header Wrap
1. Wear safety glasses, gloves, and dust mask when wrapping your headers. You'll want to avoid contact of the header wrap with your skin. Header Wrap contains fiberglass.
2. Keep in mind that wrapping headers and exhaust pipes requires patience. Going slow and taking your time will help to make the wrap as tight as possible and that will hold the wrap on the pipe better and retain the most heat in the system. (If you are installing wrap on a power sport application, we recommend a 50% overlap in place of the 25% overlap during the installation process).
3. This step is optional: Soak in bucket of water or spray exhaust wrap with water. Soaking and spraying exhaust wrap can make installation easier and also reduce the amount of fibers.
4. It is important to start on side closest to exhaust port (closest to engine), wrapping down the system towards the exhaust tip.
5. Make an initial wrap around the pipe and secure end with a Thermal-Tie™ or hose clamp.
6. After securing end, continue to wrap around pipe, using 1/4 overlap with each pass and keeping tension on the exhaust wrap.
7. Every 2 to 3 coils use your hands to tighten the wrap up. If you soaked wrap, you'll see water dripping out. Getting the water out is not the purpose for this, tightening the wrap is. The tighter your exhaust wrap, the better the job it will do.
8. If your primary tubes become so close together you cannot wrap them individually, wrap both pipes as one while using the same 1/4 overlap.
9. If possible, when wrapping the collector on headers, try to overlap wrapped primary tubes with same 1/4 overlap when wrapping collector.
10. When you get to the end, cut the wrap and secure with a Thermal-Tie or a hose clamp.
PLEASE NOTE: Your exhaust wrap will smoke lightly at first after installation. This will stop after a couple of complete warm up and cool down cycles. Smoke is a normal by product of the curing process; your wrap will not burst into flames. Also, keep in mind that it is not advised to wash wrap after installation.